Monday, July 21, 2008

More news about mug warmer

Hawaii State Farm Fair 26-27 July

Sun, 20 Jul 2008 19:08:24 PDT
This year’s fair will include live farm animals, a petting zoo, a country market, an orchid and plant sale, local chefs and food, local entertainment, food demonstrations and workshops and agricultural-related contests.

The Safest Investment

Mon, 21 Jul 2008 08:12:25 PDT
During an unusual and confusing economic time such as the present, many are asking themselves two questions: Question #1: How bad are things out there in the world of money, finances and the economy? Question#2: Just what is the safest investment at the present time?

Brocade Buying Foundry for $3 Billion

Mon, 21 Jul 2008 14:47:00 PDT
Wow…it is turning out to be a big Merger Monday. First Roche decides to try and pick up the part of Genentech it doesn’t already own for a whopping $43.7 billion. And now there is news that Brocade, a old school storage networking vendor, is buying Foundry Networks for $3 billion. Foundry is well known for its switches and other data networking products. Under the agreement, Brocade will pay a combination of $18.50 of cash plus 0.0907 shares of Brocade common stock in exchange for each share

flower deliveries in the news

Pakistani nuclear scientist allowed to travel (AP via Yahoo! News)

Sun, 20 Jul 2008 23:03:15 PDT
Lawyers say a court has eased some restrictions on the disgraced architect of Pakistan's nuclear program, allowing him travel inside the country to meet with relatives.