Sunday, January 25, 2009

anger management in the news

Bacon - it’s what’s for dinner

Sun, 25 Jan 2009 15:44:26 -0800
Image by Lori-B. via FlickrI made a “Road Trip” page on the blog. I’ll keep it updated as the route changes. I am looking at being IN Columbia, SC on May 1st, so I may be leaving Portland, OR around April 23rd or 24th. As the dates are actually settled, I’ll update that page.I may have found an appropriate sub-lease for a my first few months in Columbia. I am in talks with the woman who wants me to take over her lease and she’s going to pass my information on to her roommates (who I want to “kno

Reid eyeing amendments to SCHIP bill

Sat, 24 Jan 2009 08:29:49 -0800
“I almost can’t wait” for the political debate, Sen. Rockefeller said of GOP opposition]. “It’s going to pass. Just go ahead and vote against kids and then run for reelection.” The Finance Committee...voted to repeal a law that requires legal] immigrants to wait five years before they can enroll their children in SCHIP.

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