Sunday, May 03, 2009

Everything new on make your own invitations

Custer SD: City With A Old West Spirit

Sun, 03 May 2009 13:36:12 -0700
If you haven’t taken the time to visit Custer SD in the Black Hills , you have been missing a live snapshot of the American Pioneer Spirit. Not only can Custer SD in the Black Hills trace its roots back to 1875, it’s also heading toward the future with the valor displayed by its early pioneers. Sturdy Roots in American History This little town of about 1,800 inhabitants in the Black Hills of South Dakota can boast a timeline back to the days of General George Armstrong Custer. It’s seen a gol

Finance MBAs rake in more moolah than their batchmates at B-schools (Business Standard India)

Sun, 03 May 2009 11:57:48 -0700
A Masters in Business Administration (MBA) holds the potential to leverage careers and bring home fat pay packets. A study indicates that MBA students who worked in finance and consulting, outperformed their peers in other functional areas, especially in the Information Technology (IT) sector.

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