Wednesday, January 07, 2009

The current scoop about stuffed toys

The 50 Million Pound Challenge explained

Wed, 07 Jan 2009 11:03:14 -0800
Dr. Ian Smith is a medical contributor to The View and Men's Health Magazine. He has an impressive resume which culminates with an M.D from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine. He is the author of five health related books.

Why is Labour so keen to imprison us?

Wed, 07 Jan 2009 01:42:44 -0800
It is now an imprisonable offence to allow an unlicensed concert to take place in a church hall. You can go to prison if your child fails to attend school, or if you smoke in a public place, or if you fail to obtain a passport for your pet donkey or if you are a child caught in possession of a firework at any time other than ~ 5 Nov or 1 Jan]

The current scoop about social security numbers

Calif. Attorney General Pushes To Overturn Prop 8

Wed, 07 Jan 2009 13:55:32 -0800
Californians passed a proposition in November banning same sex marriage. But California's attorney general Jerry Brown is asking to invalidate the measure, saying constitutional rights would be violated.