Friday, May 01, 2009

The current scoop about court records

Dept. of change

Thu, 30 Apr 2009 12:40:00 -0700
A new ABC/Washington Post poll finds some really dramatic shifts in Americans views on a range of domestic issues, with support for same-sex marriage up to 49 percent nationally, and support for a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants shooting up to 61 percent. Not all the shifts are leftward, though: Opposition to gun control has grown. They're numbers that have already begun to shift the rules of the game.

News flash on advertising on the internet

5-day partial economic shutdown in Mexico to stem the spread of swine flu virus

Thu, 30 Apr 2009 13:52:11 -0700
Mexican President Felipe Calderon has asked Mexicans not to leave home for five days, with the intention of reducing economic and commercial activities in the country to only the most essential. He called upon the citizens to help prevent further infections this way. To date, the swine flu virus has already claimed 160 lives in Mexico. The government has assured the public of continued production and supply of food, medicines, as well as the provision of goods and services essential to the pop

The current scoop about student magazine subscription

Rabies outbreak in Phenix City, residents reminded to get their pets vaccinated (Columbus Ledger-Enquirer)

Fri, 01 May 2009 07:58:36 -0700
Officials in Russell County are encouraging residents to get their pets vaccinated following reports of a bad rabies outbreak in Phenix City.

Spotlight on “Hotel For Dogs” (Review)

Thu, 30 Apr 2009 12:04:03 -0700
If you didn’t know this little tidbit you are going to be so happy that you are an IE Mommy reader! Tuesday was a very special day….April 28th was the release date for Hotel for Dogs! Thanks to Katelin at m80im we were offered the wonderful opportunity to review Hotel for Dogs. My twins about died when they opened the package. You could have heard their squeal from the next county! Here’s a little excerpt directly from the DVD press release: “The exciting and in

John's Weather Talk (KAMR Amarillo)

Fri, 01 May 2009 15:48:34 -0700
AMARILLO -- John Harris talked weather with 7th graders at Austin Middle School Friday.